Address: Karaj - Beginning of Karaj Expressway Qazvin - Baharestan Industrial Park - Phase 2 - North Sarvestan - Golestan 10th Corner
Contact numbers:
+982634704039 - +982634703029


معرفی انواع بارکد و خرید دستگاه مناسب برای چاپ بارکد روی محصولات

Knowing the types of parks and suitable equipment for installing the parks on crops

The most accurate thing I can do is to see the full results of this crop. This is parked with a private device on a belt or a close-up. For the sake of the importance...

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استفاده از انواع جت پرینتر دستی و صنعتی در صنایع مختلف

The use of manual and industrial jet printers in various industries

Jet printer devices are seen in most factories, workshops and production environments. Every product at the end of the production line needs to include information such as production and expiration date, consumer price, product serial...

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کدام جت پرینتر مناسب کسب و کار من است

Which jet printer is suitable for my business?

The jet printer is used as a device for printing information on products in the production line. In order to choose the right device for your business, you need to carefully consider your needs. For...

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